Funding for people that don't pair with funded people?

Mel Chua mel at
Thu Nov 5 04:54:26 UTC 2009

On 11/04/2009 11:47 PM, Ben Boeckel wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering how the funding worked out for those who are being
> funded for the hotel and want to room with someone who isn't. Mel
> says that Luke Macken may be in the same boat that I'm in. Was
> wondering how that works. Thanks.

Ah, looks like I misspoke - looking at, 
it's all fully funded room pairings. I thought I'd heard somewhere that 
Luke wanted to room with Remy so J5 was going to see if Bernie still 
needed a roommate and...

...well, anyway, whatever that was, it's no longer on the wiki. 
Something to quickly ask about at tomorrow's meeting, since I don't 
actually know the answer (I suspect it's just Much Easier if we book 
only funded room-pairs, and let people swap rooms/roommates as needed 
during the actual event).


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