"you need an FAS account to preregister" note added to wiki

Chris Tyler ctyler at fedoraproject.org
Sat Nov 21 14:53:39 UTC 2009

On Sat, 2009-11-21 at 04:43 -0600, Mel Chua wrote:
> Continuing in the "keeping folks informed" vein...
> As per Chris's "new people without FAS accounts trying to register for 
> FUDCon will get an infinite math captcha with little indication why or 
> how to fix it" bug report, I've added a "you need a FAS account, here's 
> how!" note to the prereg table, since afaict that's the policy for the 
> whole wiki (I thought the FUDCon subspace might have an exception, but 
> it does not appear so).
> It's the "You need to log in to edit the wiki and add your name to the 
> list!" note at 
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Toronto_2009#Pre-registration and 
> is pretty obvious. Probably not uberhelpful now, but hopefully useful 
> for the next round.
> I added this list as a catchall fallback to make sure folks who, for 
> whatever reason, can't or don't want to make an FAS account before 
> FUDCon (maybe they want to check out things first before creating Yet 
> Another Login) can still get listed, and am willing to take the burden 
> of doing that work if it comes up. I think the more accurate headcount 
> is worth the potential tiny extra trouble, but pushback on this is 
> particularly welcome (preferred form of pushback: edit wiki, notify this 
> list).

Mel, I'm concerned that the alternative of mailing the
fudcon-planning-list also requires a type of registration, and a
frustrated user will give up. Therefore I created a simple CGI form and
linked that to the wiki as a backup; I'll paste the information
collected there (if any) to the wiki periodically.

In the long run, we should probably either (i) disable anonymous edits,
or (ii) fix the captcha-loop-o-doom. I noticed that a few anonymous
edits are in the wiki history, but I haven't been able to get that to
work (maybe the loop is caused by the excessive page size? when not
anonymous I see the >32K warning).

Mel, do you have time to pursue that issue with the infrastructure team?


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