"you need an FAS account to preregister" note added to wiki

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at gmail.com
Sat Nov 21 16:25:51 UTC 2009

On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 09:53:39AM -0500, Chris Tyler wrote:
> Mel, I'm concerned that the alternative of mailing the
> fudcon-planning-list also requires a type of registration, and a
> frustrated user will give up. Therefore I created a simple CGI form and
> linked that to the wiki as a backup; I'll paste the information
> collected there (if any) to the wiki periodically.
> In the long run, we should probably either (i) disable anonymous edits,
> or (ii) fix the captcha-loop-o-doom. I noticed that a few anonymous
> edits are in the wiki history, but I haven't been able to get that to
> work (maybe the loop is caused by the excessive page size? when not
> anonymous I see the >32K warning).
Just a note, that I have done almost all of my editing in the FudCon
namespace anonymously.  I haven't edited the long page in several weeks
though (Have edited the package guidelines hackfest anonymously recently, though)

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