FUDCon - web form

Mel Chua mel at redhat.com
Wed Nov 25 04:39:29 UTC 2009

On 11/21/2009 10:35 PM, Chris Tyler wrote:
> Just an FYI -- so far there's been two registrations via the alternate
> web form I set up for people having trouble with the wiki. I've
> transferred their names to the wiki and will watch for additional names.
> I'll also ping these two by mail to find out what kept them from
> registering in the regular way.

Thanks, Chris! If it was the endless captcha loop, can you add a note at 

> In other news, I just heard that the skating at Nathan Phillips Square
> opened today and the Cavalcade of Lights opens there next weekend, so
> we're in good shape for Andrew's skating party Sunday evening (woot!).

Awesome, y'all will get to watch me repeatedly fail to stand upright. ;)


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