"you need an FAS account to preregister" note added to wiki

Mel Chua mel at redhat.com
Wed Nov 25 04:41:14 UTC 2009

>> Mel, I'm concerned that the alternative of mailing the
>> fudcon-planning-list also requires a type of registration, and a
>> frustrated user will give up. Therefore I created a simple CGI form and
>> linked that to the wiki as a backup; I'll paste the information
>> collected there (if any) to the wiki periodically.

Thanks, Chris! It pains me that we have to do this, but... if it works, 
it works. (I hope we won't have to do this for any other FUDCon, though.)

>> In the long run, we should probably either (i) disable anonymous edits,
>> or (ii) fix the captcha-loop-o-doom. I noticed that a few anonymous
>> edits are in the wiki history, but I haven't been able to get that to
>> work (maybe the loop is caused by the excessive page size? when not
>> anonymous I see the>32K warning).
>> Mel, do you have time to pursue that issue with the infrastructure team?

I submitted https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1836 
and a first comment with my own results (CAPTCHA LOOP OF DOOM!) - if 
anyone has reports of both successful and unsuccessful (LOOP OF DOOM!) 
anonymous edits to the FUDCon namespace, drop a line there; so far anon 
editing works for Paul but doesn't work for me.

I don't have time to chase this down more until after FUDCon, nor do I 
guarantee I'll have the bandwidth to pick it up afterwards, but at least 
it's been noted and filed. I do think we might need a FUDCon FAD in 
early 2010 to fix things like this that will otherwise make life more 
difficult for future planners.

> Has this already been fixed?  I just did an anonymous edit and the
> math captcha worked exactly as it should.

Nope, see 


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