Accounting status: currently at $619.40 buffer

Mel Chua mchua at
Mon Nov 30 09:34:04 UTC 2009

(remaining check-ins from my FUDCon to-do list)

4. Make sure the budget balances

As of this writing, we have $619.40 in budget buffer, assuming 
$50USD/person/night for hotel rooms (They're doubles at $105 Canadian, 
which is $99.32 USD, but I'm not sure if that includes taxes.)

The leeway was originally roughly twice as large until I did the following:

* corrected the list of who was staying at the hotel (which gained us 
buffer, since a number of people have since found their own Toronto 
* corrected the list of how many nights people were staying (which lost 
us buffer, since most people were originally budgeted for 3 nights but 
need 4)

The current spreadsheet is at 
(linked to from[1]

It isn't entirely settled yet - there are still some expenses (random 
office supplies) we haven't purchased, and some things with expenses 
that aren't yet set (hotel isn't 100% final, for example) but all the 
large items are either set or very close, so it looks like we're in 
pretty good shape in case emergencies ("need extra hotel room NOW!" etc) 
come up.

5. Make the accounting to-do list so Paul and I can settle out 
which-team-pays-for-what at the end of FUDCon before we leave Toronto 

Accounting needs to be put in order in a more reasonable way (wishlist 
for FAD: FUDCon accounting template/schedule/howto) and then checked 
over with a fine-tooth comb to make sure we've got all the costs 
accounted for before we go about the final splitting-up of costs. Will 
worry about this tomorrow.


[1]  In other news, I feel silly for not realizing earlier that one can 
upload .ods files to the wiki and get automatic version control.

5 days to FUDCon!

Mel's remaining to-do list:
1. Make sure all sponsored attendees have lodging settled in Toronto
2. Make sure all sponsored attendees on the FUDBus have lodging settled 
in Boston
3. Make sure food, swag, and other needed supplies are paid for and 
scheduled for delivery
4. Make sure the budget balances
5. Make the accounting to-do list so Paul and I can settle out 
which-team-pays-for-what at the end of FUDCon before we leave Toronto 

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