Accounting status: currently at $619.40 buffer

Chris Tyler ctyler at
Mon Nov 30 13:22:51 UTC 2009

On Mon, 2009-11-30 at 03:34 -0600, Mel Chua wrote:
> (remaining check-ins from my FUDCon to-do list)
> 4. Make sure the budget balances
> As of this writing, we have $619.40 in budget buffer, assuming 
> $50USD/person/night for hotel rooms (They're doubles at $105 Canadian, 
> which is $99.32 USD, but I'm not sure if that includes taxes.)

There will be additional taxes -- although the rate is supposed to be
13% (8%+5%) there's some weirdness in the way that accommodation tax
works so it usually comes out slightly lower.


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