Meeting minutes 2009-10-08

Paul W. Frields stickster at
Thu Oct 8 21:42:01 UTC 2009

On Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 04:57:24PM -0400, Mel Chua wrote:
> Minutes are up at 
> Meeting summary
>     1.
>           1. ACTION: stickster_afk can we pay D&B the deposit - urgent, 
> b/c someone else wants our slot otherwise (mchua, 20:10:26)

Left voicemail (and an email) with the events rep for D&B, and I will
pay this tonight or tomorrow (whenever she returns my call).  Will
report back here as soon as that's done.

>     4. book FUDBus (mchua, 20:24:08)
>           1. (mchua, 
> 20:24:12)
>           2. ACTION: stickster_afk to update list on FUDBus progress 
> (mchua, 20:24:29)

I've been trying regularly to reach Bruce Barrows at the LMoB office,
who was supposed to work up our quote.  I keep getting his voicemail
but I've left him my cell # so he can reach me here in Utah.  If I
don't get a call back by Monday we'll have to go with another vendor.

>     5. FUDCon budgeting (mchua, 20:24:50)
>           1. (mchua, 
> 20:24:59)
>           2. 
> (mchua, 20:25:32)
>           3. ACTION: mchua update 
> (mchua, 
> 20:26:23)
>           4. ACTION: budget update: no monday lunch (mchua, 20:26:45)

I think with the number of travel subsidies still pending we ought to
not be paying for Sunday lunch either.

>     6. FUDPub vegetarian food (mchua, 20:34:50)
>           1. (mchua, 
> 20:34:54)
>           2. ACTION: ctyler to send spevack D&B deposit contract, 
> spevack to whip out RH credit card (mchua, 20:35:37)

Oh, I should read further before I type.  Oh well, I'll just run this
email like an IRC discussion for transparency's sake. ;-)  Apologies
-- I meant to bring the D&B contract with me but left it on my desk.

>           3. ACTION: ctyler apply magical powers to make FUDPub have 
> veggie options (mchua, 20:36:04)
>           4. AGREED: Sunday lunch will be catered pizza; estimated cost 
> $4*130 mouths = $520 (mchua, 20:37:02)
>           5. ACTION: stickster_afk to figure out whether catered pizza 
> will be paid for by attendees, RH, or some other kind and benevolent 
> sponsor (mchua, 20:37:19)

Thus far the kind and benevolent sponsor has not showed up.  I had a
conversation with a potential sponsor here at UTOSC but they
ultimately weren't interested.

I think prudence dictates pizza on Sunday be paid for by attendees.
Organizers collect money and then order.

What was Saturday's lunch again?

>     7. FUDCon daily schedule (mchua, 20:37:34)
>           1. (mchua, 
> 20:37:36)
>           2. (mchua, 
> 20:38:37)

What was the pending item here?  The hours are set and done in the ad,

>     8. hackfest planning (mchua, 20:39:20)
>           1. (mchua, 
> 20:39:22)
>           2. (mchua, 20:39:46)
>           3. ACTION: mchua ping hackfest leaders again (mchua, 20:40:10)
>     9. get fudcon toronto ad into onlinux swagpacks (mchua, 20:41:15)
>           1. (mchua, 
> 20:41:18)
>           2. ACTION: get JFSaucier to do 
> (mchua, 20:43:01)
>           3. make sure onlinux fudcon ad printing is in quantity <1k; if 
> it isn't, reassess. (mchua, 20:44:00)

Has Jean-Francois been in touch with anyone to date?

Paul W. Frields                      
  gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233  5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717   -  -  -  - stickster @ #fedora-docs, #fedora-devel, #fredlug

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