budget for premier fedora events

Max Spevack mspevack at fedoraproject.org
Tue Feb 22 18:05:19 UTC 2011

On Tue, 22 Feb 2011, Tom Callaway wrote:

> Fedora Engineering covered the costs for the people on my team who 
> attended, as well as Andrew Overholt from the Tools group. In 
> addition, we covered a big chunk of the costs for FUDPub and all of 
> the shirts.

Yeah, Fedora Engineering definitely spent a non-trivial amount of money 
on FUDCon Tempe, and it really showed with a lot of Red Hatters at the 
event, as well as helping with FUDPub and shirts, as Spot mentioned.

The purpose of my original note was not to try to diminish that, but 
rather to provide transparency on the parts of the budget that I 
directly control, and to discuss how we can properly manage that as we 
plan for the upcoming year's fudcons.


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