Merged to staging from master

Mike McGrath mmcgrath at
Tue Apr 27 21:37:41 UTC 2010

Just a heads up I did a cleanup of our staging branch (merge from master)
today.  Here's the files that didn't cleanly merge and required some
manual fixing:

#       deleted by them:
#       both modified:      fedora-packagedb/manifests/init.pp
#       both modified:      fedora-web/files/
#       both modified:      haproxy/files/haproxy.cfg
#       both modified:      mirrormanager/templates/mirrormanager-prod.cfg.erb
#       both added:         transifex/files/70-translation.conf
#       both added:         transifex/files/80-vcs-extras.conf
#       both modified:      transifex/manifests/init.pp
#       both added:         transifex/templates/40-apps.conf.erb

Please verify they are correct in staging.


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