rhel6 -> rhel7 migrations status

Colin Walters walters at verbum.org
Fri Oct 17 02:16:39 UTC 2014

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014, at 10:08 PM, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:

  I've recently taken a look at socket as part of working at


It should definitely be possible to do this (and even to use
ansible playbooks to partially provision/configure the
containers.  However you would need to have someone updating
the images periodically just like you presently need to update
the virtual machines you maintain.

Yes.  There is no free lunch =)  We need better tools in this
area.  If anyone's interested, I'm trying to centralize some
RPM-based-distribution + Docker discussion on projectatomic.io,


  It would probably be best to have the whole sysadmin team
  become somewhat versed in docker usage (to the same extent
  as they're aware of virtual machines at least).  There isn't
  a whole lot to learn for basic proficiency, though, so this
  wouldn't take too long.  If you don't want to train
  everyone, having a docker czar and a couple helpers would be
  enough to actually do the work.

Yeah, the plus side is it is very easy to get started.


1. https://lists.projectatomic.io/projectatomic-archives/atomic-devel/2014-October/msg00031.html
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