MM2/Ansible FAD Hotel rooms

Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou at
Sat Oct 18 17:17:15 UTC 2014

Hi all,

I would like to book the rooms for the hotel. Since we have 2 period (first days
for MirrorManager, then the ansible migration part), I'd like to ask who will be
there for which part?

Patrick and I arrive on the 2rd and leave on the 9th, so we'll have an extra
day to handle the jet-lag.

The official dates are from Dec 4th to Dec 9th, as in, we start working on the
4th and finish on the 8th, thus departure on the 9th, so arrival dates should be
Dec 3rd.

So, Kevin, Ralph, Luke, David and Stephen, what would be your arrival
date/departure dates?


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