Plan for tomorrow's irc-support-sig meeting (2010-08-26)

Kevin Fenzi kevin at
Wed Aug 25 22:52:35 UTC 2010

Here's what I have for an agenda for tomorrow's meeting, which will be
held at 16:00UTC in #fedora-meeting on 

Feel free to reply to this with additional topics, or bring them up in
the "open floor" section of the meeting. 

#topic Week in review
#topic should we add any new ops now?
#topic how should new ops be nominated?
#topic we need a rule about how long an op can be inactive
#topic thomasj be removed from op status because of his inactivity
#topic all #fedora ops be removed from op status in #fedora-social
#topic SIG lead be elected and have a set term
#topic fcami nomination
#topic opsec nomination
#topic trac instance setup
#topic Open Floor

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