[fedora-java] jpackage.org and FC4

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Tue Jul 26 15:47:07 UTC 2005

And BTW while JPackage certainly can "eat your brainz" more often than
Fedora Core, it's a not an absolute evil anymore than FE or FC are. In
terms of absolute package stability you certainly have

RHEL > FC > FE >= JPP (reflecting the size of the packaging and QA teams)

but you also need to think in terms of application span. Starting from a
package other people QAd is always less dangerous than playing with zips
and tar.gz all by yourself. If you really have the time and motivation to
make any given package better why the project accepts contributions. I
doubt you'll find the resources to repackage everything from scratch. Most
of the core packages took _many_ iterations to get to the stage they are
today (not that there is not a lot of work to do still)

Nicolas Mailhot

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