[fedora-java] Fedora Core package list

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Tue May 10 12:07:48 UTC 2005

On Mar 10 mai 2005 13:03, Gary Benson a écrit :
> Mark Wielaard wrote:
>> The Apache group started a discussion around getting a full free
>> j2se implementation. It is obvious that they need input on the state
>> of the existing efforts. Could someone make a list of all the new
>> packages build with gcj 4 and gcj-java-compat for Fedora Core 4 and
>> some simple instructions for someone that wants to get up and
>> running quickly to check that out?
> Well, the main packages are Tomcat and Eclipse.  I can't speak for the
> Eclipse guys, but to try out Tomcat you'd probably do something like:
>  1. Install a FC4tX box.
>  2. yum install tomcat5 tomcat5-webapps tomcat5-admin-webapps
>  3. service tomcat5 start
>  4. Look at http://localhost:8080/

If I may chirp in you can get a pretty good idea of the gcj advancement by
comparing the java packages on jpackage.org and the ones in Fedora Devel.

Any package present in the first repo but not in the second one has
probably not been tested with gcj yet.

If a package is present in jpackage.org but is slightly different in
Fedora Extras that usualy means it had to include some gcj-specific

(or the package itself has some build problem that was workarounded with a
past vendot jvm but not any longer - this includes build dependency loops,
api breaks, etc Sadly Apache/Jakarta packages are well represented in the
semi-broken state too)

Packages on jpackage.org are supposed to be jvm-agnostic (there are bugs
like anywhere else too). Once gcj has a complete drop-in jvm personality
they are supposed to all work as-is.


Nicolas Mailhot

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