[fedora-java] Maven tycho Plugin and Reproducible Version Qualifiers

Roland Grunberg rgrunber at redhat.com
Tue Nov 12 15:05:46 UTC 2013

> I'm trying to create a package of a maven project. The project uses the
> tycho-packaging maven plugin with reproducible version qualifiers.
> I am not checking out the git repository of the project, but a tgz
> bundle. Therefore tycho cannot do any git operations and fails with the
> following error:
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
> org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-packaging-plugin:0.18.1:build-qualifier
> (default-build-qualifier) on project org.eclipse.osgi: Execution
> default-build-qualifier of goal
> org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-packaging-plugin:0.18.1:build-qualifier failed:
> One of setGitDir or setWorkTree must be called. -> [Help 1]
> Does anyone have a suggestion how to ether disable the reproducible
> version qualifiers functionality of tycho, or how else to circumvent
> this error?

.. (From question posted upstream)

> Is it possible to disable the reproducible version qualifiers on the
> mvn command line? I have no direct access to the pom file, since it's
> inherited from eclipse-plugin, which I cannot touch (it's a system pom).

Where is the pom from which you are inheriting located on the system ?
Also, it should be possible to patch the plugin in question, providing
a configuration that disables the 'jgit' provider.

is a good resource for the build-qualifier goal and
is an example of a case where it's disabled.

Another possible alternative would be to provide a shallow clone of the
repo simply so the build can continue but for larger projects even this
might not be ideal.

Hope this helps,
Roland Grunberg

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