[fedora-java] Question about servlet apis tomcat/jboss

David Walluck david at zarb.org
Fri Feb 21 19:21:29 UTC 2014

On 02/21/2014 01:57 PM, Orion Poplawski wrote:
>> against that.  What would be the implications switching to that?  Does it then
> need to be run in jboss, or could it still be used in tomcat?

Theoretically, all of these API implementations are interchangeable. So
long as they meet a particular spec version (e.g., 2.5), then you may
choose to use whatever implementation you wish.

In fact, the JPackage project originally created alternatives like
servlet_2_5_api.jar for this very purpose.

Of course, I don't know specifically why Fedora has multiple
implementations sometimes (geronimo, jboss) and whether they dictate a
preference for a certain implementation, but it is not strictly
necessary to do so.

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