[fedora-java] java help properly packaging LightZone

Matthew Miller mattdm at fedoraproject.org
Sun Jun 1 15:43:45 UTC 2014

Hi! I'm really kind of java-clueless, and I'd like to package up LightZone,
a unique and powerful open source photography application. I made a package
that _works_, but it throws everything in one directory and I'm quite sure
that's not how we are supposed to be packaging things, but I'm also not
quite sure how to detangle which parts are arch-specific.

A _lot_ of the arch-specific stuff seems to be bundled libraries, and I'm
not sure how to separate that while also actually linking the java things
against the system libraries.

Would anyone like to help me with this?

Ideally, would anyone like to help, and then, also, be a comaintainer of the
package once we get it into Fedora proper?

My first cut is in a Copr here:


(from src.rpm at

Matthew Miller    --   Fedora Project    --    <mattdm at fedoraproject.org>
                                  "Tepid change for the somewhat better!"

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