KF5: show desktop / focus behavior

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Sun Oct 4 17:22:18 UTC 2015

i really have enough of that stupid behavior that "show desktop" get 
completly reverted when you do *anything* afterwards - the whole purpose 
of "show desktop" is to get a ton of open windows minimized and bring a 
specific one in the forgeround - the current behavior makes the whole 
desktop unusable all day long

well, "show desktop" to rename a file in a folder-view reverting "show 
desktop" is just a joke and when the cursor still is there to rename the 
previously chosen file and you click the file get opened because 
folder-view no longer respects the "Open with double click" settings of 
the filemanager

P.S.: which upstream genie decided to come up again with the blue 
shadows around windows while at the same time remove the option to 
disable that which existed in KDE4? that's nice in the context "look how 
cool we are" but annoying and boring after a few days and it's diversionary

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