compilation (and build) problems

Jarod Wilson jarod at wilsonet.com
Wed Jan 5 00:25:44 UTC 2011

On Jan 4, 2011, at 6:42 PM, Mr Dash Four wrote:

> I have been trying to compile and run the above kernel (upgrading from for the past 3 days - all to no avail!

rpmbuild --rebuild kernel- works just fine here,
and in the Fedora build system. You're Doing It Wrong(tm).

> ...
> I am attaching my .config file, which is used to build the new kernel, so hopefully someone will point me in the right direction and tell me what is wrong.

The Fedora kernel team patches and builds kernels with a specific set of
config options. If you're building your own derivative kernel with different
options (which you obviously are), then you're kinda on your own. The Fedora
kernel team doesn't have the resources to support every random user with a
random kernel config of the week. The Fedora kernel team does however
support the official Fedora kernels built in the Fedora build system and
released via the Fedora updates yum repo.

Jarod Wilson
jarod at wilsonet.com

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