Compilation error in kernel-

Jarod Wilson jarod at
Fri Jan 7 21:38:28 UTC 2011

On Fri, Jan 07, 2011 at 09:12:58PM +0000, Mr Dash Four wrote:
> > I swear we added pae bits in at some point, but
> > they sure don't seem to be there right now...
> >   
> All this could easily be rectified by adding a line similar to the 
> with/without debug for example

Yes, that's what I was alluding to. I swear we *did* have those in the
kernel spec at some point, but of course, I can't find 'em... Oh hell.
Scratch that, I just found them. The additions I was thinking of are in
the RHEL5 kernel spec, but apparently never made it into the Fedora kernel
spec. I'll port them over.

> and removing the hard-coded "with_pae" 
> options which currently exist on line 221 onwards in the  kernel.spec

Not exactly. We still need with_pae, but some of the logic around setting
or unsetting it needs to be adjusted slightly, so as to respect a
user-provided --with{,out}.

Jarod Wilson
jarod at

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