[Fedora-legal-list] Khronos Group OpenGL man documentation

Yanko Kaneti yaneti at declera.com
Wed Sep 5 16:00:03 UTC 2012


Do you think public documentation sources from the Khronos group
need more vetting by legal? There is this "helpful" blurb about the

"There are a variety of licenses from SGI, 3Dlabs, Sams Publishing, and
the Khronos Group applied to different parts of the man pages. We think
they all boil down to "BSD style" licenses that should allow you to
modify and redistribute the man pages. However, this is not an official
legal opinion or committment from Khronos. You must make your own
judgements based on reading the licenses involved."

We've shipped gl-manpages (an old(2006) prebuild version of these man
pages) with mesa subpackages for a while (now a separate package in f18
and rawhide), but I'd like to move to building from the khronos source.
This potentially would include the OpenGL 4.x, 3.x and GLSL man pages
which I we've not distributed till now.


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