[Fedora-legal-list] Allow to delete builds/coprs from playground?

Honza Horak hhorak at redhat.com
Wed Apr 16 06:36:11 UTC 2014

On 04/15/2014 10:43 PM, Richard Fontana wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 05:09:02PM +0200, Honza Horak wrote:
>> * we're not sure if deleting packages in playground would violate
>> GPL (legal list CC'd and the question could be -- "Is it violation
>> of GPL if we offer RPMs and SRPMs at some point and delete them
>> after some time?" -- now it seems like common scenario, happening
>> every day, but rather asking to be sure)
> If the RPM is available from T0 to T1, and the code in the RPM is
> covered by the GPL (or other copyleft license, say), then from T0 to
> T1 access to the complete corresponding source code (let's assume the
> corresponding SRPM) must also be available "in the same way through
> the same place". Once you delete the RPM at T1, having made the SRPM
> available also in the same way through the same place from T0 to T1,
> then you could delete the SRPM too.
> Assuming relatively normal Fedora-style RPMs and SRPMs of course.

Thank you for the respond, Richard.

I think we're fine in this regard then. I've updated the wiki.


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