[Fedora-livecd-list] 04userconfig.py small cleanup

Toshio Kuratomi toshio at tiki-lounge.com
Fri Apr 21 07:18:43 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-04-20 at 20:34 -0500, Jasper O'neal Hartline wrote:
> Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
> >But the point I was making is not what the code does.  It's how it's
> >coded to do that.  Currently you have to edit two spots in the code
> >anytime you make a change to the lokkit/ntsysv detection.  If you add
> >another program you need to check the presence of, you'll have to add
> >the code in two places again.
> >  
> >
> We can't -only- check for cmdline or kickstart, because
> anaconda_args is sometimes empty.
Right.  But you do the same thing in the "anaconda_args empty" case as
the "anaconda_args does not contain cmdline or kickstart".  So...
> Take for example I run kadischi /pub/fc5 -f /tmp/fc5.iso
> My anaconda_args is empty.
> If I run kadischi --text /pub/fc5 -f /tmp/fc5.iso
> My anaconda_args is not empty, however it doesn't state we are using 
> cmdline or kickstart.
> If I run kadischi --kickstart=/tmp/my.ks.cfg -C /pub/fc5 -f /tmp/fc5.iso
> My anaconda_args are not empty and I am not only in kickstart, I am in 
> non-interactive
> cmdline method.
Right.  This is the use case currently.  It is _also_ the use case my
patch implements.  The patch just makes the code simpler.

Try it.  Apply the patch.  Comment out the initial 'run("chroot....'
call that invokes authconfig so the next steps don't fail prematurely.

Then as a _normal_user_ run
  ./04userconfig.py /
  ./04userconfig.py / --blah --blahblah
These will try to chroot and invoke lokkit interactively.  Because
you're a normal user they will fail.

  ./04userconfig.py / --cmdline --blah
  ./04userconfig.py / --blah --kickstart=fake.cfg
These will print "Skipping interactive user configuration.." and exit.

> I think it is fine.. however you seem to be a dedicated contributor Toshio
> I am  going to have to guess Elliot Lee would allow you to bang on 
> kadischi a bit
> and give you CVS access.. :-P

Yeah.  I suppose I should ask Elliot for access at some point :-)

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