[Fedora-livecd-list] Expectation Setting

Jane Dogalt jdogalt at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 18 21:37:01 UTC 2006

--- Skunk Worx <skunkworx at verizon.net> wrote:
> Considering all the changes. Jasper and Chitlesh have done a great job 
> resurrecting the kadischi project. The idea that kadischi is trying to 
> compete with knoppix is kind of odd. I think there is some expectation 
> of that floating around...but no one on this list has made claims in 
> that direction. Knoppix is a downloadable iso, kadischi lets you roll 
> you own...big difference. 

I'm not suggesting that anyone has suggested that kad is trying to compete with
knoppix.  Rather I think that anyone hearing the phrase "Kadischi lets you roll
your own fedora based linux live cds", will likely add the inference that a
"linux live cd" is like knoppix.

If generating live cds that are as functional and useful as knoppix isn't the
ultimate goal of kadischi, what is?  Generating read only boot media for a
specific system?  Sure thats another interesting target, but I bet thats not
what the LWN author, or their readers, were thinking of.

Going back to RTFM, from the kadischi website official goals-

Distribute these blessed Live CDs far and wide, through whatever clever means
we can come up with.

I don't know how to interpret those goals as anything other than competing with
knoppix (and I would hope mandriva, etc...).  With of course the added kick ass
feature that remastering is as easy as tweaking a kickstart+userpayload.  As
opposed to the more complex nature of rerolling knoppix from scratch (I would
hope those guys have a decent build script/system by now, but I haven't looked
in a while).


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