[Fedora-livecd-list] Kadischi - preload utilities and daemon

Jane Dogalt jdogalt at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 19 10:20:41 UTC 2006

--- "J. Hartline" <jasperhartline at adelphia.net> wrote:

> Jane Dogalt wrote:
> >The concept is similar to the accelerated knoppix thing where they
> reposition
> >commonly/early used files into a contiguous chunk (on the faster outer
> cylinder
> >of the cd?).
> >  
> >
> Right this is a clear concept. The outer sections of a disc shouldn't 
> really be relevant
> however, as inside and outside tracks differ in actual physical length 
> to my knowledge.
> That would mean that it is faster, but not in the sense we are looking 
> for here.
> e.g. The data is read at the same rate, independant of particular 
> physical disc portion.

Have you ever tried making 4 equal partitions on a hard disk (or just 2 small
ones the same size on the outer and inner cylinders), and done hdparm -t tests
on them to check read speed?

The speedup is signifigant, which makes me think it might work on cdroms as
well.  So if you can get all your files you want preloaded into cache to get
read in a single big chunk from outer cylinders, maybe...?

But no, thats definately an optomization to worry about a long time from now.


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