Zikula 1.1.2

Simon Birtwistle simon at zikula.org
Tue Aug 25 02:24:01 UTC 2009

> * Make sure we don't pummel Simon's fasauth module

I committed my various fixes and enhancements for the fasauth module to the
git repo, so no worries about this.

> * Make sure we don't pummel Mo's theme work.

If Mo has been doing this the Zikula gospel way :) she shouldn't have
touched any files outside of the theme's directory.  In which case, if that
theme directory is backed up we are ready to go.
> * Give Robyn a chance to finish setting up the workflow (which the
> upgrade will provide a good chance to document - it's adding certain
> categories and tags and such, all from the web interface... not
> something we should have to package). This means we should wait until
> after tomorrow's Marketing meeting so that we don't interrupt her work.

I talked with Mike about this - we can preserve the database from
staging->production, meaning that basic setup work of this kind will only
have to be repeated once we move to staging.

> * make 3 separate repositories for the 3 packages we're dealing with:
> zikula-module-fasauth (Simon), zikula-theme-fedora (Simon),

Zikula-theme-fedora I haven't touched in ages - Mo may have changed things
here though.

I assume when upgrading the whole /usr/share/zikula filesystem gets blown
away and replaced?  Please correct me if I'm wrong :)

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