Zikula kick-off Meeting 2009-07-08 @ 15:00 UTC (11 AM EDT)

Simon Birtwistle simon at zikula.org
Fri Jul 3 22:33:28 UTC 2009

> Meeting agenda:
> 1) Set regular meeting time and day
> 2) Get status on Zikula module packaging
> 3) Set 60 day schedule for next steps
> 4) Discuss important inter-team dependencies we need to start tracking
> 5) <insert your topic>

Those considering Zikula for different use cases than that of the docs
project may wish to consider if they would like any alternative modules
packaged for their own eventual deployment or trialling of Zikula.  An
incomplete, but reasonably representative list can be found at
http://code.zikula.org/projects.  Note that in addition to the modules you
see in that list, we can achieve almost anything with a combination of two
modules (PageMaster and MediaAttach).  These module are sufficiently
flexible (but slightly more complicated) and can accommodate almost any use
case, however exotic.  So, if you don't see something that obviously matches
your use case, contact me and I can let you know how easily it could be


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