Etherpad FAD preparation

Jon Stanley jonstanley at
Tue Sep 28 10:35:12 UTC 2010

On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 12:24 AM, Colin Zwiebel <colin at> wrote:

> Oh man, no. Its still really messy. I don't know how many kittens would die
> if it touched Fedora Infrastructure. I've only gotten it run as root (ack!)
> and it keeps killing my machine. Does rather nasty things with Jetty and
> wanting to own your ports. Then Java is like "hey, I think I'll just consume
> all your memory. 1.4 Gb sounds good." People die. I haven't figured out
> which logs are useful and useless. Haven't done much admin work, need to
> figure out which top tools from the multitude out there -- and perhaps, more
> importantly, which flags--are for me.

The good part of this is that I *have* run high-traffic sites based on
Java middleware, and have some experience in troubleshooting that from
an admin side of the container/etc. Why are you using Jetty as opposed
to something real (say Tomcat)? Deploying there shouldn't be *too*
difficult, and we might get something more valuable out of the
container. I assume that you've limited the Java heap size with
-Xms/-Xmx as well....anyhow, we can talk and hack on that part of

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