anyone got any articles in the wings?

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Fri Oct 10 19:06:07 UTC 2014

On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 12:03:29PM -0400, Paul W. Frields wrote:
> I've no qualms about having this kind of opinion piece.  I did want to
> say that I think Fedora Magazine on the whole should retain a
> user-centric slant, and not get too focused on internal community
> issues.

Hmmm. I agree, but... we also need a central focus for running things that
are about internal community issues. I am working on some stuff about
project objectives (as part of the new fedora council), and I can do it as
mailing list posts but I'd really like it to be more... blog posty, with
discussion to follow. 

I can set up my own personal FPL blog, but... I'm historically terrible at
that whereas it turns out to be easier for me to be _part_ of something, if
that makes sense. And, it would kind of be nice to have a central place for
things which _are_ more internal. The Fedora Council seems like a good
example — a general overview makes a good user-focused article, but details
beyond that are probably more interesting to contributors, and the elections
articles (like the interviews we were talking about) are _meant_ for

I know Ryan was talking about wanting to reduce the number of categories.
What if we made it just two, for user-focused and contributor-focused
articles? Maybe keeping 5tFTW as a separate thing which covers both — or,
possibly splitting that into two separate posts, one for each category (and
probably removing the "5" from both, because speaking from experience 10
total would be crazy).

Matthew Miller
<mattdm at>
Fedora Project Leader

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