[Fedora-packaging] Packaging not the latest release

Miro Hrončok mhroncok at redhat.com
Mon Dec 2 07:37:27 UTC 2013


I'm trying to package httpretty [0] for Python 2 and 3. However, the 
latest upstream release 0.7.0 seems to not work with Python 3 (at least 
the tests are failing). Version 0.6.5 however works fine (or at least 
way better) with Python 3.

What should I do now?

1) Create separate packages python-httpretty (0.7.0) and 
python3-httpretty (0.6.5)
2) Create one package with both (0.6.5)
3) Do not package httpretty for Python 3 at all

I need this package working with Python 3 and I only package Python 2 
version as well because it's appropriate :) So 3) is not really good for 
me and if I choose 1) I might not package Python 2 version at all.

What does guidelines say about packaging latest upstream release? I 
somehow remeber that being checked in the review, but I cannot find it 
in the guidelines.

Is it OK to package older release when the new one is broken? Do I need 
FPC approval/exception for that?


[0] https://github.com/gabrielfalcao/HTTPretty
Miro Hrončok
Phone: +420777974800
IRC: mhroncok

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