packaging man pages

Alice Wonder alicewonder at
Mon Apr 29 00:36:22 UTC 2013

Hello list,

I use Fedora (and CentOS) on some systems but I am not interested in
packaging for Fedora.

However I have noticed a problem with many of your perl spec files that
causes builds to fail on some non fedora systems.

e.g. in the perl-Spiffy package:


The pm is only there if perl itself was configured that way, and on many
systems, that pm is not appended to perl man page names.

If the above had been


it would continue to work just dandy in Fedora / Red Hat builds and have
the bonus of working pretty much anywhere. Many spec files are correct,
but some are not.

Unfortunately it does not look like rpmlint catches that packaging
error, so you have to manually look for it.

Have a great day,

Alice Wonder

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