packaging man pages

Petr Ĺ abata contyk at
Mon Apr 29 07:00:44 UTC 2013

On Sun, Apr 28, 2013 at 05:36:22PM -0700, Alice Wonder wrote:
> Hello list,
> I use Fedora (and CentOS) on some systems but I am not interested in
> packaging for Fedora.
> However I have noticed a problem with many of your perl spec files that
> causes builds to fail on some non fedora systems.
> e.g. in the perl-Spiffy package:
> %{_mandir}/man3/Spiffy.3pm*
> The pm is only there if perl itself was configured that way, and on many
> systems, that pm is not appended to perl man page names.
> If the above had been
> %{_mandir}/man3/Spiffy.3*
> it would continue to work just dandy in Fedora / Red Hat builds and have
> the bonus of working pretty much anywhere. Many spec files are correct,
> but some are not.
> Unfortunately it does not look like rpmlint catches that packaging
> error, so you have to manually look for it.
> Have a great day,
> Alice Wonder

Hello Alice,

Every perl package also depends on the perl MODULE_COMPAT macro
which, I guess, is also somewhat unique do Fedora and EL.
RPM distributions and their packaging convetions vary a lot
and our packages are not meant to work on each and every of them.

Of course using something like %{_mandir}/man3/* wouldn't hurt
but I wouldn't call the current practice a "packaging error".

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