version module is missing from SRPM build root

Paul Howarth paul at
Mon Oct 27 16:49:05 UTC 2014

On 27/10/14 11:37, Petr Pisar wrote:
> Hello Perl packagers,
> on Friday, I fixed the perl-Module-CoreList file list, so that all
> Module-CoreList's files are distributed only in the package. As a consequence,
> perl-version package is not installed into the minimal build root now.
> For example if you use the version module to define an RPM package
> version, this will not work anymore. (I found only one such RPM package.)
> Also if you use the version module when building a package, then don't forget
> to build-require the module. This is especially true for modules installed
> into standard Perl include paths which run-require the
> perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_...) whose exact value is computed by the version module.

Since every perl module package should be doing this, would it not make 
sense to add perl(version) as a dependency of something that *does* get 
pulled into the buildroot for perl module builds? perl-srpm-macros perhaps?


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