Taskotron Data Interfaces

Kamil Paral kparal at redhat.com
Thu Mar 27 15:14:28 UTC 2014

> > It's Task-o-tron, it suggests it's meant to execute _tasks_ :-) On
> > the other hand, check is more specific than task, it explains the
> > purpose better. I guess native speakers will need to deal with
> > language subtleties. I just want to be consistent in naming, it helps
> > us and our users, that's all.
> Yeah, consistency is important. Personally, I'm ok with leaving stuff
> like libtaskotron.check for the moment - that's what we're working on.
> Do you think that changing things over to TaskDetail etc. would make
> taskotron easier to understand?

I think it's OK as it is for the moment. Once we intend to release some public API, we can go through it and make it more consistent. Only time will tell if 'tasks' and 'checks' use the same interface and behave completely the same, or if they are two separate things.

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