Taskotron depcheck question

Scott Talbert swt at techie.net
Wed Nov 19 01:24:48 UTC 2014

On Thu, 6 Nov 2014, Petr Pisar wrote:

>>> As far as I know alternative-architecture multi-lib packages are
>>> distributed in the same repository as packages for the main
>>> architectue. E.g. glibc-devel.i686 is in x86_64 repository, hence
>>> glibc-devel is mutlilib. glibc-headers.i686 is not in the the x86_64,
>>> hence glibc-headers is not multi-lib.
>> Yeah, but the thing that's bugging me about this now that I'm digging
>> into it more is that miniz-devel.i686 is installable on f20 via dnf and
>> yum.
> I sent a question why miniz is flagged as multi-lib to the
> <rel-eng at lists.fedoraproject.org> and it's waiting on the moderator now. Once
> it propagates, I will take down a pointer here.

Did you ever find out why miniz is flagged as multi-lib?


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