FAD Goals and deliverables

Colin Walters walters at verbum.org
Wed May 13 13:17:23 UTC 2015

On Sun, May 10, 2015, at 02:28 PM, Dennis Gilmore wrote:

> 2) integrated ability to make atomic installer and pxe to live in pungi

Downstream Atomic operates on an asynchronous schedule, so there
are going to be few times when we actually want to generate two installers
and trees/etc simultaneously.

The CentOS Atomic SIG is also planning to do regular 4 week releases,
again asynchronously of the CentOS Core rebuild.

We would also like the ability to do faster and more regular releases
of Fedora Atomic Host - a 2 week interval has been discussed.

That doesn't mean that the code can't be shared - but it does make
the "release mainline and Atomic together as one big blob" is an
unusual case.

Basically, downstream is already releasing more frequently, and
some of our competitors are moving *significantly* faster than 6 months.

So there may be a more fundamental decision to make about whether
Atomic should simply be part of that "big set" release at all.

> 10) port pungi to dnf
> 11) make headway and plan to port to python 3

Won't these break the ability of downstreams like CentOS to consume
the tools?

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