[Fedora Robotics] URG range finder laser

buhochilenoi@gmail.com buhochileno at gmail.com
Mon Aug 16 00:45:43 UTC 2010

Hi guys,

I new on the list, my name is Mauricio Henriquez and I have some 
experience in robotics in linux (redHat and Fedora all the time :-), 
also I currently have my own robotic framework project called monoBOTICS 
(http://www.monobotics.ic.uach.cl/), still on alpha 1 stage, but later 
would be good to have some RPMs for it :-), also more and more HW is 
added to it often and now I begin to work with my shiny new Hokoyu URG 
Laser range finder (to later do a c# wrapper to work with it in 

The installation of the URG libs with yum is easy and allow me to 
compile the urg C samples, but you know, they just show you some 
measures on console, not to shiny :-), so I spend the last 2 days 
fighting to install the vmon software provided by the Hokoyu company,  
but sadly the just provide the binaries in .deb packages, I convert the 
.deb to rpm but at the end the software crash due to some "undefined 
reference" to a lib version that do not exactly match with the one that 
Fedora have..so, do you know if is posible to get the vmon source to 
allow us to provide a proper .rpm for fedora and may be other rpm based 

Also after fighting with vmon, I find the UrgViewer (also know it as Urg 
Widget I think)  and the "Quick Robot SDK - qrobotsdk" (which seems like 
a Qt toolkit for robotics that also include the UrgViewer..). So I start 
to fight with those ones. Sadly I not an expert on the Qt compilation 
front (qmake and all that voodo), so the "qrobotsdk" figth end with a 
"error: SDL.h: No such file or directory" error (I defenitly have all 
devel SDL paquages)...but my UrgViewer fight ends better and I was able 
to compile it and running showing me a nice simple Qt GUI with a graphic 
of the sensor data...

May be someone have more experience with some URG related applications 
(like the mentioned ones or others) that can be provided as RPMs to easy 
install and use?

Thanks and take care.

Mauricio Henriquez

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