[Fedora Robotics] URG range finder laser

Attilio Priolo attilio.priolo at gmail.com
Mon Aug 16 09:11:12 UTC 2010

Actually, I managed to make vmon work under wine using the windows version
:-( . (remember to  create a simbolic link to ttyACM0 renaming it COM1). I
did it only for testing my urg laser. Furthermore, as an offline testing, I
wrote a very very very simple matlab script to dislay data in a polar plot.

Hope this help,


2010/8/16 buhochilenoi at gmail.com <buhochileno at gmail.com>

> Hi guys,
> I new on the list, my name is Mauricio Henriquez and I have some experience
> in robotics in linux (redHat and Fedora all the time :-), also I currently
> have my own robotic framework project called monoBOTICS (
> http://www.monobotics.ic.uach.cl/), still on alpha 1 stage, but later
> would be good to have some RPMs for it :-), also more and more HW is added
> to it often and now I begin to work with my shiny new Hokoyu URG Laser range
> finder (to later do a c# wrapper to work with it in monoBOTICS)...
> The installation of the URG libs with yum is easy and allow me to compile
> the urg C samples, but you know, they just show you some measures on
> console, not to shiny :-), so I spend the last 2 days fighting to install
> the vmon software provided by the Hokoyu company,  but sadly the just
> provide the binaries in .deb packages, I convert the .deb to rpm but at the
> end the software crash due to some "undefined reference" to a lib version
> that do not exactly match with the one that Fedora have..so, do you know if
> is posible to get the vmon source to allow us to provide a proper .rpm for
> fedora and may be other rpm based distros?
> Also after fighting with vmon, I find the UrgViewer (also know it as Urg
> Widget I think)  and the "Quick Robot SDK - qrobotsdk" (which seems like a
> Qt toolkit for robotics that also include the UrgViewer..). So I start to
> fight with those ones. Sadly I not an expert on the Qt compilation front
> (qmake and all that voodo), so the "qrobotsdk" figth end with a "error:
> SDL.h: No such file or directory" error (I defenitly have all devel SDL
> paquages)...but my UrgViewer fight ends better and I was able to compile it
> and running showing me a nice simple Qt GUI with a graphic of the sensor
> data...
> May be someone have more experience with some URG related applications
> (like the mentioned ones or others) that can be provided as RPMs to easy
> install and use?
> Thanks and take care.
> Mauricio Henriquez
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