RPM and GEMS conflict of interest

Mamoru Tasaka mtasaka at ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Wed Jun 23 08:26:48 UTC 2010

Gilles Dubreuil wrote, at 06/23/2010 04:36 PM +9:00:
> Hello,
> I've been asking myself why there bother with rubygem packages?
> Gems have a different life cycle and are completely managed through the
> gem interface:

This works if you use gem-based packages only.
For example let's take alexandria http://alexandria.rubyforge.org/

- alexandria itself does not provide gem
- but alexandria depends on many rubygem modules
- and also depends on ruby modules which are not provided by gem
   (mainly ruby-gnome2 related packages)

so with making "$ yum install alexandria" just succeed without any
trouble, packaging gem packages in rpm style is unavoidable.

Also packaging gem rpms means that
- we can modify the gems if needed
- remove files unneded on runtime, something broken, etc
- and also do other things
to use them on Fedora. In short, using rpm management has much benefit
for us.


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