Ruby 1.9.3 testing repository

Mo Morsi mmorsi at
Fri Dec 16 20:20:18 UTC 2011

On 12/14/2011 08:33 AM, Vít Ondruch wrote:
> Hi,
> I have uploaded updated version of Ruby 1.9.3 packages into my testing 
> repository. They are probably very close to the shape of Ruby I'd like 
> to see in future Fedoras. The main changes are:

Hey Vit, a couple questions came up RE: Ruby 1.9.3 at today's cloud-sig 

- what changes to packaging guidelines if any will ruby 1.9.3 entail

- what fedora version are you targeting this for and are you going to 
file a feature?

- to what extent will rubygems need repackaging/rebuilding/mass 
rebuilding? how to best go about proceeding w/ that


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