Parallel installable ruby stacks

Guillermo Gómez guillermo.gomez at
Fri Jul 29 12:43:25 UTC 2011

> Tell me why I, as an end user, should care if you application is running
> with Ruby 1.8, Ruby 1.9, REE, Rubinius or JRuby?
> Tell me why I, as a Fedora package, should care about my gem for more
> Ruby implementations/versions?

I had to say that from what i know (which is not much), jruby is
really special  case here (im just reading about it).

Basically jruby is not just another ruby implementation is something
really different and powerfull, but hey, im just starting to read
about it and correct me if im wrong (does jruby plays well with our
java vm?).

You can do things with jruby u simply cant with just ruby (any implementation).

I would vote against complicating "things" in fedora, BUT, i think we
could be missing something really importante here, jruby apps would
just not work in our boxes whitouth tweaking.

¿Shouldnt we just choose to switch to a better ruby interpreter and
keep our landscape simple or use parallel stacks and tools to
complicate things and be more flexible?

Better of course meanss a whole debate.

Ing.Guillermo Gomez S.
Fedora Board Member A4

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