Minitest 5 update

Mamoru TASAKA mtasaka at
Fri Mar 21 16:18:35 UTC 2014

Hello, Josef:

Josef Stribny wrote, at 03/21/2014 09:11 PM +9:00:
> Hi Rubyists,
> as you have probably noticed we would like to update Rails framework to the latest version (4.1) when it's released[1].
> The biggest task for us in this change is the update of Minitest to version 5. This would require test suites
> of many gems that depends on Minitest to be fixed.
> Here are the most significant changes of Minitest 5 taken from the changelog[2]:
> So what do you think of this change? Should we address it by updating upstream test suites?
> Do you know about other issues that this can cause and I forgot to mention?

The easiest solution is to just renaming the current minitest rpm as rubygem-minitest4
(i.e. submitting a new review request), or instead introducing rubygem-minitest5 and at some
time renaming rubygem-minitest5 to rubygem-minitest, as we have once already done for
rspec version 1 vs 2, or I am currently doing for rubygem-goocanvas (version 2, depending
on gtk3) vs rubygem-goocanvas1 (depending on gtk2). As basically rubygems supports
installation of multiple versions of gems with the same name, this should be easily
done (basically just changing srpm name should be enough).

Note that some packages (I maintain) already requires minitest 5 for testsuite (and
currently I have to revert changes), e.g.


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