Minitest 5 update

Josef Stribny jstribny at
Fri Mar 21 16:32:28 UTC 2014


> The easiest solution is to just renaming the current minitest rpm as rubygem-minitest4
> (i.e. submitting a new review request), or instead introducing rubygem-minitest5 and at some
> time renaming rubygem-minitest5 to rubygem-minitest, as we have once already done for
> rspec version 1 vs 2, or I am currently doing for rubygem-goocanvas (version 2, depending
> on gtk3) vs rubygem-goocanvas1 (depending on gtk2). As basically rubygems supports
> installation of multiple versions of gems with the same name, this should be easily
> done (basically just changing srpm name should be enough).

This seems like a safe path that we also shortly discussed with Vit. We could probably need
it for some packages, although I would probably like try to propose minitest 5 change to
upstream which could speed up the adoption.

> Note that some packages (I maintain) already requires minitest 5 for testsuite (and
> currently I have to revert changes), e.g.

True, I think I was also already reverting something.


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