some questions about apache and tomcat

Benedict S benedictziv at
Wed Jul 27 03:23:09 UTC 2011


There is no packages about mod_jk-ap20 in our fedora rpm packages.How can I
connect apache with tomcat,using http_proxy ,ajp_proxy or something
else?Which method is the best way to use it?

When i start tomcat6 with command "service tomcat6 start " or "run_init
service tomcat6 start" ,the tomcat6 was running under the context of
"system_u:system_r:unconfined_java_t" and the web's applications can't run
successfully. I found there is no module about tomcat  and neither in
refpolicy-2.20101213.Should I write some policy for tomcat6 or there is
something wrong with my method.

Thank you very much.
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