[Fedora-suds-list] Soapenc: vs soap-enc: vs SOAP-ENC:?

Paul Nicolette photon3 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 6 08:02:20 UTC 2009

With SUDS 0.3.7 on Python 2.6.1, I need to uppercase the "soap-enc" in a
local copy of http://njgin.state.nj.us/OIT_AddrMatch/OIT_AddrMatch?WSDLbefore
it will find an Array type in the <restriction>.

Similar error when I try the mssoapinterop part of the test at
  I get *Type not found: '(Array, http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/,
)'    *This WSDL uses "soapenc:Array" syntax.

As a Python/SUDS newbie, is my installation wrong?  I'm trying to use the
doctors to fix things, but am struggling to understand how they work.  Are
there any examples with input and post-doc output?.

I am extremely impressed by SUDS' capabilities, but my install seems not to
be implementing Postel's
Law<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robustness_principle>for WSDLs, at
least tonight!   Any ideas will be much appreciated.

Paul Nicolette
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