[Fedora-suds-list] Polter were under a tree on th

Gollwitzer Zurin parousia at carellurvink.nl
Sun Sep 19 21:32:07 UTC 2010

Ls, but Glora stopped him. "No. We are the right size." We were about a
hundred feet back from the opening. The giant's legs disappeared.
But in a moment the round, light hole of the exit was obscured again.
His head and shoulders! He was lying prone. His great

arms came in. He hitched forward. The width of his expanding
shoulders wedged. I think that
he expected to reach us with a single snatch of his tremendous arms. Or
perhaps he was confused, or forgot his

growth. He did not reach us. His shoulders stuck. Then suddenly
he was trying
to back out, but could not!
It was only a moment. We stood in
the radiant gloom of the tunnel, confused and frightened. The giant's
voice roared, reverberating around
us. Anger. A note of fear. Finally stark terror. He heaved, but the
rocks of the opening held solid. Then there was a crack, a gruesome
rattling, splintering--his shoulder bones breaking. His whole gigantic
body gave a last convulsive lunge, and he emitted a deafening shrill
scream of agony. I was aware of the tunnel-mouth breaking upward.
Falling rocks--an avalanche, a cataclysm around us. Then
light overhead. The giant's crushed body lay motionless. A pile of
boulders, rocks and loose metallic
earth was strewn upon
his head and torso, illumined by the outer light through a jagged rent
where the cliff-face had fallen down. We were unhurt, crouching
back from the avalanche.
The giant's mangled body was still expanding; shoving at the litter of
loose rocks. In a moment it would again
be too small for the

broken cliff opening. I found my wits. "Alan, we've got to get out of
here. God--don't you see what's happening?" But
Glora r
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