redhat recommends windows

Rik van Riel riel at
Tue Nov 4 21:52:48 UTC 2003

On 4 Nov 2003, Jason Kurtz wrote:

> Wheres my free copy of enterprise lmao.

You can get all the source RPMs for RHEL from:

How's that for GPL compliance ? ;)

> Now back to the main issue at hand currently I admin quite a few
> systems. A good deal of my customers run advanced server, 7.3. etc etc.
> I'm planning on switching all of them to debian starting the beginning
> of the year. This is utter bullshit, to just up and say oh where no
> longer going to support 8.0 where dropping it in April.

You're free to do that, of course.

However, I don't see the reasoning as to why Debian
would come with more guarantees than Fedora.

Personally I'm willing to trust the Fedora Legacy
project with the upgrades for my systems...

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