test3 mediacheck still brain dead

Elliot Lee sopwith at redhat.com
Mon Oct 13 16:11:42 UTC 2003

On Mon, 13 Oct 2003, Andre Robatino wrote:

>   I just burned the test3 ISOs.  (In case you're wondering how I got them
> so fast, if you peruse Red Hat's list of mirrors, you can usually find one
> or two that are prematurely open.)  I couldn't find a GPG-signed MD5SUM
> file, but all the unsigned ones I found agreed.  After downloading the ISOs,
> I checked the md5 sums, burned the CDs, and then checked the md5 sum on the
> CD directly using the dd trick.  Everything checked.  Then when I brought
> the disks home and did the mediacheck, the exact same thing happened as
> with test2 - disks 1, 2, and 3 failed, passed, and failed, resp.  This didn't
> happen with test1, so something broke in test2 and hasn't been fixed.

We did have some kernel problems with CD drives and DMA. Please try to
turn off DMA and see if that helps at all. If you're using the installer
to mediacheck, DMA should already be turned off in that kernel for CD
drives... We definitely need to get as much info on the problem as
possible, so anything you can find would be helpful.

-- Elliot
Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves 
on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

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