GPG Signatures Not Found...

Steven Haigh netwiz at
Mon Sep 1 01:37:24 UTC 2003

Yeah - I get this as well... I've always just run up2date <args> --nosig

Since the matter has been brought up, is this a known problem? something 
I've forgotten? part of the beta experiance?

Greg Sanders wrote:

>Trying to run up2date and getting the following error:
>The package GConf2-2.3.3-2 is not signed with a GPG signature.
>Package GConf2-2.3.3-2 does not have a GPG signature.
>I didn't see anything like this in the archive.  Did I miss something?
>Greg Sanders - Sysadmin, Webhead, Tolkien-phile
>ElCoronel @ -

Steven Haigh
(Visit to install our Root Certificate.)

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